
Online invoicing
Online invoicing

online invoicing
  1. #Online invoicing manual#
  2. #Online invoicing software#
  3. #Online invoicing code#
  4. #Online invoicing free#

  • Electronic invoice certificate (Electronic invoice online modality).
  • Requirements to issue electronic invoices in Bolivia In case the products sold are not in the SIN list, a homologation process must take place.

    #Online invoicing code#

    Invoices must include an identification code for the products and services included based on the list provided by the tax authority, similar to the Cabys catalogue in Costa Rica.

  • Factura productos nacionales alcanzados por el ICE (national products affected by ICE tax invoice).
  • Factura productos nacionales (national producto invoice).
  • Nota de crédito – Debito (credit-debit note).
  • Factura prevalorada (prevalued invoice).
  • Factura telecomunicaciones (Telecommunication invoice).
  • Factura comercial exportación de minerales (mineral export sales invoice).
  • Factura venta interna de minerales (internal mineral sales invoice).
  • Factura de hidrocarburos (hydrocarbon invoice).
  • Facturas juegos de azar (gambling invoice).
  • Factura hospitales clínicas (clinic and hospital invoice).
  • Factura entidades financieras (financial entity tax).
  • Factura alcanzada ice (Invoices affected by ICE tax).
  • Factura servicios básicos (basic service invoice).
  • Factura comercialización hidrocarburos (commercialization of hydrocarbons invoice).
  • Factura sector educativo (education sector invoice).
  • Factura compra venta moneda extranjera (Foreign currency purchase invoice).
  • Factura de seguridad alimentaria y abastecimiento (invoice for food security and catering).
  • Factura de servicios turísticas y hospedaje (tourism and lodging service invoice).
  • #Online invoicing free#

  • Factura de venta en zona franca (sales invoice in free zone).
  • Factura comercial de exportación libre consignación (commercial export invoice free consignment).
  • Factura comercial de exportación (commercial export invoice).
  • Recibo de alquiler bienes inmuebles (rental reciept for real estate property).
  • Factura compra y venta (purchase and sale invoice).
  • The virtual invoicing system contemplates 27 types of invoices based on the service provided and the sector where the service is provided. The credit -debit note is the only correction document used for the adjustment of tax debits or credits when a complete or partial return or repeal of a contract occurs.
  • Invoices without tax credits are invoices that do not generate tax credits for buyer, nor tax debits for the seller.
  • Invoices with tax credits are invoices that are eligible to receive tax credits for the buyers and tax debits for the seller.
  • The Virtual Electronic Invoice system enables the exchange of the following e-invoice types:

    online invoicing

    The same system also enables the reception and integration of your electronic invoices. The service integrates the validations issued by the SIN keeping you informed about your invoice’s status. Once the invoices have been validated by the SIN they are sent to recipients in a previously accorded format. Companies can issue and sign electronic invoices in the format required by the SIN in a fully integrated and automated manner. Companies can exchange electronic invoices through EDICOM’s platform in different modalities like the electronic invoice online. EDICOM authorized electronic invoice providerĮDICOM's electronic invoicing platform is certified by the Bolivian tax authority (SIN). As of August 1, 2022, these taxpayers must issue Tax Documents exclusively through the assigned online invoicing modality.

    #Online invoicing manual#

    Mandatory Use of e-Invoicing for the Second Group of Taxpayers as of August 1, 2022īy means of RND 1022-44, the term for the second group of classified taxpayers to continue issuing Tax Documents through the online invoicing modality assigned or the SFV or the manual computerized invoicing modality previously used is extended until July 31, 2022. The process declares invoices manually through the webportal created by the SIN. The webportal modality of the invoice online is for small companies with a small invoicing volume.

    #Online invoicing software#

    The modality of the computerized electronic invoice online enables the issuance of invoices through an electronic invoicing software authorized by the SIN without a digital signature. The modality of the electronic invoice online is when electronic invoices are issued and digitally signed through a SIN authorized invoicing software. The Bolivian Virtual electronic invoicing system is mad up of different modalities, the SIN will assign modalities to each taxpayer. The Virtual Invoicing System’s electronic invoice and its modalities The SIN has established three invoicing modalities that substitute the previous computerized invoicing models like the virtual office, the electronic web and the electronic by cycles. Bolivia’s electronic invoicing system is called the Virtual Invoicing system, or SFV.

    Online invoicing